Welcome to the GVAG Blog

John was already on site at the registration desk when I took this photo at 6:45.

Open Garden Day Success

On Saturday July 20, over 300 people visited Glen Villa to view the garden and walk Timelines, the 3km trail that opened for the first time. The day was exhausting because of the heat and humidity but it was exhilarating to welcome so many people to the garden and to hear how much they enjoyed the experience.…

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Wildflowers and Wild Life

Some wildflowers are called weeds… but often those ‘weeds’ have pretty flowers. Consider crown vetch, for instance. Its purple flowers are lovely from a distance and it is useful as a temporary ground cover to prevent erosion. But it’s also a menace, in some cases covering and shading out native plants.  Chickweed, on the other…

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I deliberately made the questions difficult to read in order to slow people down.

Words on the Land

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the old saying goes. But sometimes a word says all that needs to be said. Or perhaps, more than a thousand pictures can convey. Words label each section of Timelines, the 2.9 km trail that we are opening to the public for the first time on…

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This photo dates from 2009. The house is now grey with trim that matches the red barn next to it.

Introducing Mr. Albert Stumpson

For many years a pine tree towered over an old house where a tenant farmer once lived.     In search of the sun, it gradually leaned farther and farther away from the house. Until one day, it fell.     When the branches were removed, my son-in-law noticed that the tree trunk looked like…

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The many petals of this peony capture raindrops.

Favourite Things

Sometimes, pictures of pretty flowers are enough. I took these photos in a garden in Knowlton, Quebec that I visited last week. It was a grey, rainy day but the gardens were glorious! The flowers in one garden were the stars of the day.     Bright copper kettles are no competition for the WOW!…

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