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Houghton Hall: A Garden Review

England has many fine gardens. Houghton Hall in Norfolk is one of the finest, offering a stimulating combination of horticulture, contemporary art and history that is far too much to absorb in a single visit. The most popular part of the garden is the five acre Walled Garden. Divided into contrasting areas, the Walled Garden contains a double-sided…

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The trail through the Joe Pye weed is luscious in August.

A Year in the Garden: Part 3

This final post of 2018, written on the last day of the year, brings the garden at Glen Villa to a close — for now, at least. August is high summer in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.   Insects make their presence known. NOTE: Thanks to Mark A. for identifying this as a damselfly.    …

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Lupins brighten the meadow and the edge of a field in late June and early July.

A Year in the Garden, Part 2

The meadows and fields at Glen Villa are white with snow in December, but in June and July, they are alive with colour.       Closer to the house, colours appear in smaller doses.             The Aqueduct is satisfyingly colourful throughout the summer.       Animals played their part…

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A stream coming down the hill marks an S-curve at the entry to Glen Villa.

A Year in the Garden, Part 1

On a surprisingly mild winter’s day — not at all typical for Quebec in December — I’m remembering the garden at Glen Villa as it looked earlier this year. January brought lots of snow.       February brought snow and gloomy skies.     In March, skies began to brighten.       April conformed…

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This little spruce tree is attached to the chimney stack. Some years I put up this tree, other years a wreath. The tree takes less work.

Topiary for the Holidays

Do Christmas trees qualify as topiary? We never think of them as such but they fit the definition — the Oxford dictionary calls topiary the “art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes.” And surely Christmas trees don’t grow naturally into the perfect cones commonly seen but have been pruned and clipped to shape them.     As…

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