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I think this is Heuchera

New Growth

Today it is grey and rainy but yesterday felt like spring. And how wonderful that was! Despite the soggy ground, covered in many places with deer pellets and dead leaves, I spent an hour or so wandering around the garden, enjoying the sunshine and the new growth that was popping up in every warm corner.…

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St Pierre (1 of 1)

As the Garden Turns

Does your garden turn its face to the world or does it veil it off?  The difference says a lot, about you and the style of your garden — and about the spirit of the times. Recently I spoke to several groups about how to get the most out of garden visits.  Learning to Look: the Art…

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Poor little snowdrops, coated with ice from this morning

The Unsprung Spring

Spring just won’t make up its mind. One day it cracks open the door, the next day, slams it shut. And I’m fed up! Come on, Spring, get a move on. Some years, snowdrops have finished by now. This year, they have barely started.     In a normal spring, by now water would be splashing gaily…

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On a snowy day in January, my husband and i snowshoed past Orin

It’s Maple Syrup Time!

It’s that super sweet time of the year, when sap is transformed into maple syrup. We’ve been making maple syrup at Glen Villa for many years now. My father-in-law tapped trees and the site of his old sugar camp is now an art installation in the woods.     Making maple syrup takes time, particularly…

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eggs (1 of 1)

The Best Egg Ever

What’s Easter without an egg or two?   With 18 family members around on the weekend, the eggs disappeared almost as quickly as they were found.   This most beautiful of eggs was a special treat… before,   during,     and after.     Thanks, Sandra!

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