Welcome to the GVAG Blog

This 1000 piece jigsaw of a pointillist painting by Georges Seurat was particularly difficult to do.

It’s Beginning!

This is a strange year. Like most of you, I’ve been spending far more time than usual at home, inside, seeing almost no one apart from my husband. I’ve wasted time and saved my sanity by reading, baking brownies and doing jigsaw puzzles.   The weather has been strange too. Spring came about two weeks earlier…

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crocus (1 of 1)

Hunting for Treasures

A few days ago, I started out to take a walk in the woods. First I passed snowdrops and crocus blooming along the drive.   Most of the crocus were yellow but there were a few pale violets, whites and deep dark purples.     Then I spotted daffodils threatening to bloom.   I passed alongside an…

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Tidy work!

Visitors to the Garden

In the last few days, we’ve had visitors in the garden. Some didn’t knock on the door, but they did leave their calling cards to let us know they came around.   I can guess who made those holes, but what creature did the work below?   Birds are always welcome in the garden. Ducks, too.  …

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Nothing says spring more than yellow crocus!

A touch of spring

Envy is not an admirable trait but I have to confess that at this time of year, when gardeners even a short distance to the south of me are picking daffodils and beginning to smell the roses, I am envious. Here, in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, patches of snow are still much in evidence and where…

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The Cascade in early January 2020.

More Advice

Last week I advised myself not to set overly ambitious garden goals for 2020. I must have been under the weather. This week, I’m back to normal, aiming to accomplish most of the goals I set myself even while acknowledging that doing that will mostly likely be impossible. Although I set six goals for the year, I made…

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