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Life in the desert

This week I’d planned to post the third and final piece about In Transit / En Route, the art installation I created in the woods at Glen Villa. I will post it, but not today. Instead, I need to write about where I am today, which is California. Visiting friends in Palm Desert, I find myself…

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In Transit / En Route: part 2

The In Transit / En Route trail starts at the edge of a field. with a sign that asks a rather odd question. Where are you? Où êtes-vous? As I wrote in my previous post (In Transit / En Route: the beginning), the words aren’t easy to read. The letters are small and the words run together with…

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In Transit / En Route: the beginning

In my post last week I mentioned In Transit / En Route and showed a photo of a clearing in the woods. Here’s the photo again.                          In Transit/En Route: the sundial clearing in the woods   Do you see the red sign in the clearing? It is part of In Transit, or En Route in French, an installation…

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Art in the Woods

People respond differently to the woods that are a big part of the landscape at Glen Villa It’s hard to miss the difference. Some hike through the forest intent on getting someplace, noticing very little.  Others spy things I’ve never seen. The art installations I’m creating throughout the property generate widely different reactions. For some people,…

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A Path to The Egg

Glen Villa is about the land and the people who have lived on it, me and my family and the generations that preceded us. It’s about the emotions that plants and objects arranged artfully can evoke in those who take the time to really look at what is around them. It’s about the land beyond…

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