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Monet’s Garden at Giverny, Part 1

  It can be risky to review a garden with a big reputation. When that garden is as well known as Claude Monet’s garden at Giverny, the risk is enormous. Will I like it? Everyone else does, so why should I be different? Certainly I knew what to expect: the iconic Japanese bridge, floating waterlilies,…

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The Garden at Glen Villa

  I’ve been focused so closely on my new garden at York House that walking today around my old garden at Glen Villa was a real delight. Yes, I saw much that needs to be done — when does any gardener see only the good parts? But seeing the garden with fresh eyes gave me…

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daffodils garden

My New Garden: A Work in Progress

With warmer weather finally arriving, Jacques, Ken and I have been working on the new garden at York House, just outside North Hatley, Quebec. We extended the border that backed onto the woods, widening it and backing it with a low stone wall. Here is the view before we began work.     Here is…

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Springing Ahead

  Starting a new garden on a piece of familiar land is like embarking on a journey into a country I thought I knew. For years my daughter and her family lived where I now live, and since my old house was only a short walk away, I visited frequently. So I thought I knew…

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Visiting Glen Villa Art Garden

The Open Garden Days last summer were very popular, but now that I’m in a new house, adjacent to my old one, things have to change. There are no Open Garden Days this summer. BUT … here’s the good news. You can still visit the garden! All you need to do is gather a group…

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