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Wild garlic carpets a section of the forest floor at Glen Villa.

Open Garden Day 2017

I’m happy to announce that once again this year, we are opening the garden at Glen Villa as a fundraiser for the Massawippi Foundation. Here are the details.     As you can see, the admission goes directly to our local community foundation, Fondation Massawippi Foundation. The Foundation supports community projects — school playgrounds, a…

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We planted these daffodils about fifteen years ago. The clumps get bigger every year.

The flowers that bloom in the spring, Tra-la

Gilbert and Sullivan got it right when they wrote about spring flowers. The flowers that bloom in the spring, Tra la, Breathe promise of merry sunshine — As we merrily dance and we sing, Tra la, We welcome the hope that they bring, Tra la, Of a summer of roses and wine. Right now, I’m…

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The hardscaping for The Upper Room was completed last summer.

The Upper Room

After months of anticipation, yesterday we installed the glass panels at The Upper Room. The wait was long but it was worth it — I am thrilled with the results. The Upper Room is a memorial designed to honour my mother and her beliefs. It’s a tribute to family and to the traditions I grew up…

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Gabion walls can be practical and aesthetically pleasing.

The Spirit of Stone: A Book Review

I share something with Jan Johnsen, author of The Spirit of Stone — a respect for stones and the qualities they bring to a landscape. At Glen Villa, my garden in Quebec, I’ve used stones in paths, steps and walls. I’ve used them more unusually in the gabion walls of The Aqueduct and in the parking area…

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I took this photo about ten days ago, on a bright winter day after a fresh snowfall. More snow is falling now.

Garden Plans: I’m Dreaming Again

Now that winter has dumped several feet of snow on a garden that was almost snow-free, I’m back by the fire, metaphorically at least, dreaming of the seasons ahead.     I’m dreaming about a trail that will lead around the property. I’m considering the route it will follow and what I will call it. I know the purpose…

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