Welcome to the GVAG Blog

You can see the drone camera easily in this photo. The speck of white at the end of La Grande Allée is much harder to see.


Last week I showed a tiny speck of white at the end of the La Grande Allée.   In that post, I promised a closer view of that hint of white. And here it is.     The white crabapple trees along La Grande Allée have finished blooming now, thanks to several (wonderful) days of…

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Crabapples in Bloom!

The crabapple allée is in full bloom and boy, is it gorgeous! The long line of trees are stunning whether you look from the side …   straight down the middle …   or up close.   Last week my friend Tim Doherty came over with his drone camera to give a different point of view. …

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The hawthorn trees higher up the hill aren

Is it Spring yet?

Spring is here, finally, with the promise that summer is a-comin’ in. Or so it feels today. And maybe it will feel the same tomorrow, but who knows? Oscar Wilde said that conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Not so for gardeners in the Eastern Townships of Quebec where I…

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Open Garden Day Tickets on Sale!

Saturday, July 20 is the day and you are invited!   Come and explore the wonders of the garden and landscape when Glen Villa opens to the public as a fundraiser for the Massawippi Foundation and Conservation Trust. All proceeds from your admission fee go to support land conservation, community projects and a network of trails…

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Buy Now is Coming…

You may have received a blog post earlier today with a BUY NOW button. This post should not have gone out… there are a number of bugs in the purchase option that I haven’t worked out. SO: my apologies.  I hope to have the tickets sales up and running within a week.

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