Following my tree: June

Finally the corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana ‘Red Majestic’) has leafed out. The colour and texture of these leaves caught my eye last year.Impulse buying: not a great idea. The rich deep burgundy leaves are the main reason I bought the small tree last year. The leaves and the wonderfully contorted branches. The twisted branches create a…

Following my Tree

I was hoping that on this, my second ‘follow a tree’ post, the Corylus avellana ‘Red Majestic’ would have shed its winter coat.  After all, the first week of April is over. But that hasn’t happened. Along with all the individuals I met up with, wandering around Montreal last week, (and wrote about here) his…


Following a Tree

Lucy Corrander, an English garden blogger at Loose and Leafy, has invited bloggers from around the world to join her in ‘following’ a tree. Her invitation really caught my attention. It sounded like a great idea … a good monthly discipline and a way to focus on the changes that occur in a tree over…