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The Joy of Weeding

We all know that weeding is a chore, right? We also know that a weed for one person is a flower for someone else. Or, as often expressed, it’s any plant growing where it isn’t wanted.   Some people don’t like ajuga in the lawn. I do. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it better, describing a…

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The Aqueduct: Success at last?

Last week I was in Quebec City for the annual symposium of the Garden Writers’ Association. I met many interesting people from across North America (and one or two from England and elsewhere) and saw some private gardens that had much to offer. I visited some public gardens, some I hadn’t seen for years, and…

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Living with the Land

I like the idea of living with the land. Or rather, with the wildlife on it. Last week’s post about defeating the deer made me think about how many animals I live with at Glen Villa, either occasionally or on a regular basis. I’m happy to share real estate with the ducks who nest annually at the…

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Defeating the Deer

How hard can it be to build a fence around some shrubs in a field? Not very, you’d think. You’d be wrong. Or you would be if you did it the way I have. Which definitely isn’t the way to go. In 2008, I planted a few flowering shrubs along the fence that separates the…

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Circles in the garden

Does nature abhor a straight line?  Writing about triangles at Througham Court made me think about shapes and the effects that different shapes create. Looking through my photos, I noticed lots of rectangles. Squares appeared, but less often, and usually in formal settings. And then there were circles. They were used frequently in some gardens,…

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